Co Creation in Open Innovation Platforms

Analysis of current platforms by using “Winning and Failing Co-Creation Platforms” from Board Of innovation and Mission Motion 

eray alan
3 min readMar 22, 2014

Open innovation or with other name co-creation platforms are active and in our life since a while. They are generating great projects for challenge setters and revenue for owners of the platform.

Report from Board Of innovation and Mission Motion is a wonderful source for the ones who are trying to understand co creation domain. “Winning and Failing Co-Creation Platforms” examines 20 co-creation platforms individually and maps them all according to the scope, co-creation levels and the revenue sizes of the platforms.

“Winning and Failing Co-Creation Platforms” Board Of innovation and Mission Motion

To change the dimension of the research, platforms were remapped by the participant’s expertise and co-creation levels. And the ones which involve in the process and pay to the participants, are stated. As you can see in the map, while high expertise and low co-creation area is very crowded there are no platforms that created high co-creation in high expertise needed subjects. [Graph 1]

Graph 1

The platforms, which succeeded to create high co-creation level, are also in the area of low expertise. This doesn't mean the projects of these platforms dealing with are the ones need lower expertise. For example in the Quirky model while public can join the projects with idea generation, market research and naming, the platform takes care of the high expertise needed parts and executes the project by doing design, manufacturing and marketing. [Graph 2]

Graph 2

In the projects, which need higher expertise for involvement, high co-creation can’t be accomplished yet. For example a competition base innovation platform Innocentive gathers individual submissions from single applicants so there is almost no co-creation happening in the platform. [Graph 3]

Graph 3

The platforms, which involve in the innovation process, generate higher revenues. These platforms are either doing the whole business and use the participation of public as help or stands as mentors or consultants. [Graph 4]

Graph 4

When the most successful platforms’ tools examined (in terms of revenue and co-creation level) social tools (making comments, social media, forum, voting), and learning tools (expert panel, forum, local wikis) highlighted. It is showing that people are interested in this platforms which they can increase their abilities with the help of others participators and experts of platform [Graph 5]. And also as Aytug Suvari mentiones for the motivation feedback is really important in for

Graph 5

At the end if a new platform applies the model of Qurky for Innocentive challenges and projects, hi co creation can be obtained in high expertise needed projects.

Download the pdf here.

Thanks to Aytug Suvari -MA candidate in Global Innovation Management- for editing.

